The Rauchkopffall is a waterfall South of Obervellach in the region Kärnten, Austria. The Rauchkopffall is a waterfall in the river Rauchkopfbach and is an official named waterfall.
The river Rauchkopfbach finds it origin at a mountainpeak called Rauchkopf with an altitude of 2.177 meters. The Rauchkopffall is being fed by rainwater an melted snow from the mountains above the Rauchkopffall.
To reach the Rauchkopffall you have to follow a trail starting at the southside of Obervellach near the Launsberghütte. From here the trails goes east, through the forrest. Back at the road you still have to go east heading to Polinik (at a certain moment turn right to Polinik). After a hort while you cross the river Rauchkopfbach. Here you can descend to the Rauchkopffall. The walk takes about 30 minutes.
The Rauchkopffall is a nice waterfall with a total height of appr. 25 meters. Best time to visit the Rauchkopffall is early summer. The Rauchkopffall falls towards the north, slightly north-northeast and it is difficult to say what the best daytime is to visit the Rauchkopffall. I guess in the beginning of the morning.
In the direct area there are several POI and waterfalls worthwhile to visit: Klausbachfall, Polinikfall, Ragaschlucht, Groppensteinerfall and the Zechnerfall.