Moara Dracului
(Devil’s Mill Falls)
Devil’s Mill waterfall is situated on the western slope of the Vladeasa mountain, near Stana de Vale and Dragan Valley. Reaching a height of 25 meters, the two-stage waterfall has a distinct beauty and wilderness.
How to reach Devil’s Mill Falls on the Dragan Valley route: by following the forest road from the Tail Lake – Dragan (Floroiu) until the Ciripa block section. So far you can go even with the car. From here you will follow either the blue cross mark, which comes from Stana de Vale and goes to the Devil’s Mill Fall, or the red triangle and yellow tape, leading to Buteasa Peak, respectively to the Thief’s Stone, up to their intersection with the yellow circle mark, which leads to the Devil’s Mill Falls.
Both routes from Ciripa block section take about an hour and a half.